Conversion of an existing listed (Grade II) school building to provide collaborative work and social spaces, pupil lounge, tutor rooms, offices, changing rooms and WCs.
Coulson Building Group were appointed as main contractor through a PCSA to work alongside the project and design teams during the preliminary preconstruction stages. Through an open book approach with the second stage costs, we were then appointed as main contractor to conduct the refurbishment works to Li Kwok Po House (previously known as “The Thring”).
The building was Grade II listed and involved a huge amount of planning and working alongside the planning and conservation officers to ensure the project reflected the historic nature of the building whilst maintaining the clients wishes for a modern teaching and social space.
The main works consisted of an internal refurbishment to produce new teaching and social spaces. The ground floor consisted of new WCs and changing facilities, a pupils lounge, collaborative and social space along with a communal kitchen. The first and second floor involved the formation of tutor rooms, offices, kitchen and sicks bays.
The project had an extremely tight programme to ensure the whole project were completed before the pupils returned from their summer holidays. We were able to handover the the whole project at the end of the summer holidays. This was due to careful planning, close collaboration and open discussions with the project team and utilising our very own efficient and experienced supply chain (Joinery and MEP) who are familiar working on education projects.